20 Mar 2014

Spring Equinox greetings

Dear druidettes and druids, it's been a while since we've posted here, so now at the time of Spring Equinox 2014, is time to make a change. We want to thank you all for the love, trust and great feedback you have given to us after the 'Dark Half Rising' release in August 2013. This means a LOT to us.

Right now, we are looking for the forthcoming gigs, which have been cofirmed at least to Russia, Estonia and Finland during the spring. We are also waiting for confirmations from some other very interesting places. Come to say hello at our gigs!

Also, we are very grateful both for our record company, Massacre Records and to the lovely people of Armada Agency, Wietze and Nanette. In Finland, we have received received massive help both from Mega Kuusinen, in promotional sense, and from Örkki Yrlund, in visual sense, not forgetting the other people we do not list here. Also we'd like to mention the great tour in Finland we made during last autumn with the most pleasant fellow bands, especially Teardown and all the others, thanks guys!

And last but not the least, we are already very much looking forward to the next record and period in our history. In fact, it's already on the process, number of songs have been written and we've been banging our heads to them at our rehearsal chamber. Epic stuff? Yes, more than epic...epicer!!

Cheers, and now, let's dance around the stone circles or whatever you do for the honour of spring!!!.

Susanna, Harri, Jari, Teemu and Stibe

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